home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- INCLUDE equates.inc
- INCLUDE instance.inc
- INCLUDE messages.inc
- INCLUDE objects.inc
- IF1
- INCLUDE macros.mac
- INCLUDE objects.mac
- INCLUDE strings.mac
- ==============================================================================
- Gets the current system time.
- Passes: ah - Hours
- al - Minutes
- dl - Seconds
- =============================================================================%
- getTime PROC NEAR
- mov ah,2Ch ;Pass get time function code
- int DosInt ;MS-DOS interrupt
- mov ax,cx ;Pass hours/mins
- lea di,Buffer+BufSize-10 ;Get end of text buffer addr
- mov cx,ax ;Get hours/mins
- mov al,ch ;Get BCD hours
- call convertDigits ;Convert hours
- mov Wptr[di],ax ;Save ASCII hours
- mov Bptr[di+2],':' ;Save colon
- mov al,cl ;Get BCD minutes
- call convertDigits ;Convert minutes
- mov Wptr[di+3],ax ;Save ASCII minutes
- mov Bptr[di+5],':' ;Save colon
- mov al,dh ;Get BCD seconds
- call convertDigits ;Convert seconds
- mov Wptr[di+6],ax ;Save ASCII seconds
- mov Wptr[di+8],00h ;Mark end of string
- ret
- getTime ENDP
- PUBLIC convertDigits
- ==============================================================================
- Converts the current system time into ASCII.
- Passed: al - BCD Time component
- Passes: ax - ASCII time component
- =============================================================================%
- convertDigits PROC NEAR
- push cx
- xor ah,ah ;Zero high reg
- moreThan al,9,cvd1 ;If > 9 - Divide by 10
- mov cl,8 ;Else get #bits to shift
- shl ax,cl ;Shift left
- jmp cvd2
- cvd1: mov cl,10d ;Num to divide by
- div cl ;al=quotient, ah=remainder
- cvd2: add al,30h ;Convert lo-order to ASCII
- add ah,30h ;Convert hi-order to ASCII
- pop cx
- ret
- convertDigits ENDP
- ==============================================================================
- Displays the ASCII representation of the current system time.
- =============================================================================%
- disTime PROC NEAR
- getInst dh,Row1,Clock ;Get clock display row
- getInst dl,Col1 ;Get clock display column
- getInst bl,Color ;Get color
- lea si,Buffer+BufSize-10 ;Get text addr
- disStrg dh,dl,bl,si ;Display time
- ret
- disTime ENDP
- defMsg Clock,\
- Refresh,\
- <getTime,,disTime>
- defObj Clock,\
- <>,\
- <Row1,1,0,\
- Col1,1,70,\
- Row2,1,Nil,\
- Col2,1,Nil,\
- Color,1,31h>,\
- <Refresh>